Take a look at a few of the most popular uses of AI for protecting digital data against attack and their benefits, risks and mitigation. Source: Third Party Author 7 Minute Awesome Read…………………… AI in Cybersecurity
The attached was written almost 5 years ago. With ChatGPT, Google’s Bard and others in play, how far have we come? AI tools are NOT just searching for keywords on your resume. No, analyzing your job progression, upward mobility, job stability and other metrics are just a few of what the BOT is looking for. … Read more »
This quick read from Korn Ferry regarding counteroffers, circa 2021/2022 is spot on and relates to ALL levels of the talent pool; and NOT just at the Senior/Executive Leadership level. I’ve been advising candidates on counteroffers for 30+ years, typically suggesting not to accept. However, in this market ……………Hmmmmmmm!! Please read on…….
It’s only a matter of time where once again the demand (for IT resources) will severely outstrip the available supply. Will projects slip or…. will they get delivered on time at the expense of an overworked staff? Will internal Talent Acquisition be able to handle the surge? Or will they reach back out to their… Read more »
Per The Conference Board Labor Markets Institute, some 5 million to 6 million jobs could be added through the end of the year, and the unemployment rate will drop well below 5%.
1. ‘What are the biggest challenges I’ll face in the first 90 days, and how will success be measured?’ 2. ‘Is there anything about my background that makes you hesitant to move me forward in the interview process?’ 3. ‘How does my background compare to other candidates you’re interviewing?’ 4. ‘I know the pandemic has… Read more »
5 very simple, albeit relevant interview Q’s to master prior to your interview. Read on>>>>>>
Another lingering effect of COVID-19; a pandemic has set back learning for all students………students of color. Per McKinsey, here’s a very interesting short read…..
Given the supply (the lack thereof), given how crucial you are to the digital ecosystem are you surprised? Easy Read…. PLEASE
Not surprising, President Joseph R. Biden set to reverse Trump’s H1B policies………..Hot off the press……………